Dwoo.org is looking better!

Dwoo.org is looking better!

Dwoo is a PHP5 oriented object template engine who was started in early 2008.

Since I took over this unmaintained project 2 years ago, I put online a new website and focus on a 2.x version without having the success I expected in my development, by lack of time.

After a while of inactivity and accumulation of issues, it’s now time to get this project back-on-tracks!

The first step was to put online a complete official website redesigned, including the full documentation of Dwoo. Like a lot of people asked me before, documentation of the branch 1.x is now back on the documentation section.

For now, I can’t say much about development in the near future, I can just affirm that:

  • Dwoo 1.x will no more evolving, this version is still UNMAINTAINED
  • Dwoo 2.x is still in beta and will stay like that!
  • IF I start to work again on this project sources, I will go directly for a Dwoo 3.x supported only by PHP7.

I will inform you about that in this blog in the beginning of 2016!

Built with Next.js and Joy-UI, deployed on Vercel.

Designed and coded with ♥ in Montreal with WebStorm.

All text is set in the Nunito typeface.

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