
Check out some of the latest posts I've written about tech and programming.

WordPress: Simplifying plugins and themes developments
WordPress: Simplifying plugins and themes developments

Plugins and themes developments using a framework and template engine.

Jul 2, 2016

2 min read

You hate WordPress? This can reunite you!
You hate WordPress? This can reunite you!

Use Composer and Packagist with your Wordpress website.

Jun 28, 2016

5 min read

How to install PHP7 nightly on Linux
How to install PHP7 nightly on Linux

Full documentation to build and install PHP7 on a Debian based linux distribution.

Nov 9, 2015

2 min read is looking better! is looking better!

Dwoo template engine website if having a complete official website redesigned.

Nov 5, 2015

less than a minute read

A complete PHP library for GitHub API v3
A complete PHP library for GitHub API v3

This is a simple Object Oriented wrapper for GitHub API v3, written with PHP7.

Jul 11, 2015

2 min read

Introduction to PHP7
Introduction to PHP7

I'm happy to tell you that the wait is over, PHP7 is a thing, and it’s coming this year!

Jun 25, 2015

11 min read

A new design for a new start...
A new design for a new start...

New website with new design, because I moved from France to Montreal, Canada.

May 22, 2014

less than a minute read

Introduction to Scion-Framework
Introduction to Scion-Framework

A new PHP 5.5 complete open-source framework to optimize development.

Jan 5, 2014

3 min read

Welcome to my new design website!
Welcome to my new design website!

I’m delighted to launch my new portfolio website and blog!

Dec 30, 2013

less than a minute read

New website is online!
New website is online!

Dwoo changes ownership, this made the website design was restylized.

Dec 30, 2013

less than a minute read

Built with Next.js and Joy-UI, deployed on Vercel.

Designed and coded with ♥ in Montreal with WebStorm.

All text is set in the Nunito typeface.

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